Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More table arangement ideas....

Posy in silver Flying saucer;
Small compact white ceramic cube;
Posy in a glass fishbowl;
Medium compact cube;
Ring of flowers with hurriane candle lamp;

Brides are always looking for flower arrangement ideas for thier reception tables, often it is difficult to imagine what the whole room will look like once all the finishing touches are in place. Most people opt for something low when it comes to centre pieces, which is a good idea so that your guests can see each other when they are talking.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cheap wedding posies

Just because you don't want to spend alot of money on your wedding doesn't mean you can't have nice flowers. If you don't have a particular flower in mind then leaving it up to your florist and seasonal availibility, could be an option for you! Nice mixed flowers of the moment would be chosen for you, to match your budget and colour theme....similar posies like this would only be $40-$50!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The compact cube

These ceramic cubes are a beautiful idea for round or square tables at a reception. For better impact on a table, the flowers are quite compact and not too much greenery is used. Four glass tea lights at each corner on a square of rock salt or flower petals would create the ambience to finish the design.