Saturday, November 30, 2013

A quick update

I have been super busy with weddings so far this season with my first one starting early in August and I have been really busy with my extremely energetic toddler. But things are starting to settle down with my 8 year stint ending at Pick me flowers so I hope to have a bit more time on my hands to update my blog and spend more time with Vidabela! I promise to spend some time over Christmas sorting through this seasons photos and put them up for you to see after the new year.

I will also be taking a short break from January 2014 until the end of wedding season due to another little one arriving in February (he is very inconvenient coming in the middle on wedding season!) But I will be taking consultations from around May for the following season so be sure to contact me then if you have an up and coming wedding.

Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas!